ensuring dental profession merit

Disciplinary Actions

The Board has taken action against the following licensees since its last newsletter.  You may view the action taken by the Board by clicking the name of each licensee. 

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Dr. Samuel Turner, Jr. - #4411

Dr. Toni K. Mascherin - #5408

Dr. John S. McCollough - #5228

Dr. Arash T. Bassiri - #6315

Dr. Andrew W. Kelly - #7350

Dr. Leslie Troy Jacobs - #3567

Dr. Cynthia M. Walker - #6280 - *Case on Appeal*

Dr. Edsel Neil Cline - #8213 - *Case on Appeal*

Dr. Michelle A. Massie - ##5655

Dr. Thomas Warthen Douglass - 7971

Dr. William G. Ritchie - #6461

Dr. Randal C. Smith - 4811

Quiana Y. Forde, R.D.H. - Applicant

Dr. Jeffrey F. West - 4419

Dr. Andrew J. Branch - 4881

Erin Danko, R.D.H. - 8639

Ginger T. Parker, R.D.H. - Applicant

Heartland  Dental Care

Dr. Kathryn E. Philpott-Hill - 6783

Dr. Deborah Barsan - 5892

KelleyAnne Spaulding, R.D.H. - 6238

Cheryl E. Payne, R.D.H. - 5040

Dr. John R. Stewart - 8721

Dr. John Roper Stewart - 8721

Allison L. Foster, R.D.H. - 6399

Dr. Sassan Bassiri - 7705

Dr. Shannon W. White - #6736

Dr. Richard E. Ridgley - #7935

Rhonda Redd Cole, RDH

Dr. Byron L. McNeill, Jr. - 4276

Marie P. Potts, RDH - 3358

Dr. Stephen N. Shepherd - #4533

Dr. David F. Edwards - #3345

Gray LeBrea Amos - #8464

Tiffney A. Foushee, RDH - #5548

Dr. Jeffrey Iglhaut - #5358

Susan Toussaint Allen, RDH - #2458

John Ray Powell, Jr. - #5325

Dr. Paul E. Watkins - #5757

Tara M. Hensley, RDH - #7742

Dr. Billy Frederick Booty, Jr. - #8554

Dr. Tung Thai Nguyen - #7227








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**Disciplinary Actions are posted on the website for three months,
with the exception of revoked licenses,
which will remain on the website indefinitely.

Please contact the Board office for copies of actions not displayed.

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